INOVIQ Ltd Limited Annual Report 2023

Dr Hinch Dr Leearne Hinch has an Executive Employment Agreement with the Company dated 7 November 2016 to perform the role of Chief Executive Officer, under which Dr Hinch is paid a total fixed remuneration of $400,000 per annum plus superannuation payable under the Superannuation Guarantee Act. This arrangement can be terminated by either party by providing 6 months written notice, which based on current remuneration rates would amount to a termination payment of up to $200,000 if the full notice period is not served. A Short-Term Incentive (STI) bonus of $60,000 was paid during the financial year for the achievement of agreed key performance indicators (KPIs) for the 12 months to 30 June 2022. This STI was paid in January 2023. Dr Hinch may also be eligible for a Long-Term Incentive (LTI), being the grant of options. 500,000 options were issued to Dr Hinch during the financial year. Mr Johnston and Mr Powell Mr Max Johnston and Mr Philip Powell have Letters of Agreement with the Company dated 17 June 2019 to perform the role of Non-Executive Director for an annual base fee of $50,000 plus superannuation entitlement. Both Directors are not entitled to a termination or redundancy benefit. Professor Cripps Professor Allan Cripps had a Letter of Agreement with the Company dated 23 January 2020 to perform the role of Non-Executive Director for an annual base fee of $50,000 plus superannuation entitlement. Professor Cripps resigned from the Board on 13 December 2022 and was not entitled to a termination or redundancy benefit. Professor Cripps 500,000 options remain open to exercise through to expiry. Dr Rice (appointed 20 September 2021) Dr Greg Rice has an Employment Agreement with the Company dated 20 September 2021 to perform the role of Chief Scientific Officer of the Group for an annual base salary of $274,708 per annum plus superannuation entitlement. This arrangement can be terminated by either party providing 3 months written notice, which based on current remuneration rates would amount to a termination payment of up to $68,677 if the full notice period is not served. A Short-Term Incentive (STI) bonus of $21,176 was paid during the financial year for the achievement of agreed key performance indicators (KPIs) for the 30 June 2022 year. This STI was paid in January 2023. Dr Rice has 150,000 options issued as part of a Long-Term Incentive plan granted in 2021. Mr Edwards (appointed 2 November 2022) Mr Mark Edwards has an Employment Agreement with the Group dated 21 September 2022 to perform the role of Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary, under which Mr Edwards is paid a total fixed remuneration of $254,708 per annum plus superannuation entitlement. This arrangement can be terminated by either party providing 3 months written notice, which based on current remuneration rates would amount to a termination payment of $63,677 if the full notice period is not served. Mr Edwards is also eligible for a Long-Term Incentive (LTI), being the grant of options. Mr Edwards had 150,000 options issued as part of a Long-Term Incentive plan in 2022. Mr Di Pietro (appointed 28 July 2020 and resigned on 11 November 2022) Mr Tony Di Pietro has an Employment Agreement with the Group dated 23 February 2015 to perform the role of Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary, under which Mr Di Pietro he was paid a total fixed remuneration of $159,380 (including annual leave entitlements on departure) plus superannuation entitlement in the current financial year. No Short-Term Incentive bonus was paid to Mr Di Pietro during the 2023 financial year. A Short-Term Incentive (STI) bonus of $27,857 was paid during the 30 June 2022 financial year for the achievement of agreed key performance indicators (KPIs) for the 12 months to 30 June 2021. This STI was paid in October 2021. No options were issued to Mr Di Pietro during the 2023 financial year. At the date of this report the Company does not have any other consultancy or employment agreements in place with KMP. Directors’ Report 30 INOVIQ Limited